Sunday 6 January 2013

Dear 2013 - you start with bad news

We look forward to a new start - a new chance in the new year. Then this week I heard two pieces of bad news which were more important that my stupid little problems. The news shook me, it wasn't mine and perhaps it is silly for me to be upset by it. I'm sensitive though, and overwhelmed by empathy. I spent that night on my own, doing nothing. My brain needed a vacation.

This year will definitely bring change. There is so much we cannot control and all we can do is focus on ourselves and our loved ones around us.

Today is also the anniversary of an old friend passing. His sister and friends keep his memory alive and he is forever in our thoughts. His essence and goodness lives on. It is so nice to see him being remembered so strongly years later.

I didn't feel like posting resolutions or normal posts this week. While I was swept up in new year fever of inspiration and new goals the bad news was sobering. Of course we can find the good in the bad and make ourselves better, more decisive and constructive in our lives. Saying this I still found it hard to find a pic to accompany this post. I am working on 700 pics from christmas with the family in wales, and wasn't sure if any of them fitted...

I'll leave you with this photo and a bad rehash of something said at pales quaker christmas meeting this year. The theme was rebirth and although the members of the meeting are older, my nephew was there, squeaking and coo-ing during the silence (time at the beggining of a quaker meeting where people can reflect and think, and perhaps afterwards share their thoughts with the meeting). My sister was embarassed but I think everyone enjoyed his presence. Babies are a good reminder of the good in all of us. We lit candles on the table in the centre of us to make the light grow. A few people talked about winter, parts of us dying in order for rebirth and the light of the spring. We have seasons in our life independent of the earth's seasons. It is a nice metaphore. This year is about change. My relationship with my dad had, perhaps died and in 2012 was was brought back to life. My gorgeous nephew brought the family together and a series of celebratory events drew us closer. None as important than his birth.

 xxx Barnicles


  1. I'm sorry you've had a bad start to the new year :(
    What a beautiful picture of your nephew, he's adorable!

    1. thank you, I treasure that photo so much! xx

  2. your nephew is adorable! So sorry to hear about your bad news but you are right it puts things into perspective! xx

    1. Who can be upset with cute babies around?!


  3. Just look at those big bright eyes. There is always a bright place to look toward in the darkness. Seems like you are able to see it easily. ;-)

    1. I'm just sad I don't get to see my nephew that often, he lives miles away. THanks for your comment xx I hope I'm always able to see the light, keep focusing on it :)

      Barnicles xx


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