Thursday 26 August 2010

Photos - Lighting experiments + new crochet gloves

Sup? would you like a drink?

I've been eager to learn more about lighting for a while and I've been lucky enough to borrow some canon external flashes but never knew enough . I confess I havent had enough time with life getting in the way but there are always excuses!

I LOVE natural light and 50mm 1.2, 1.4, 1.8 are my dream lenses

Been learning lots and shooting some clubs, few portraits.

Here are some results of lighting experiements with a friend (scott carroll) and my new crochet gloves! Scott was kind enough to talk me through some of the math of lighting and mess about one day with some of his kit too!

Feedback on the gloves welcome, they are sorta a prototype and I'm really into crochet edging/lace atm :)

and just cos *blush*

1 comment:

  1. i need to learn more about lighting too! your lucky that you got to borrow that canon flash to play with!! photography has been a fast growing hobby with me and my husband but we have been using mostly film!



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